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Can I stay in Brazil longer than 90 days a tourist?

The answer to that question is: in most cases, yes. Foreign tourists may be authorised to extend their stay in Brazil by the Federal Police for another 90 days upon request. Thus, the maximum period of stay would be 180 days for each migratory year. Periods of more than 180 days are only possible upon application for a residence permit.

However, as well as the need to obtain a tourist visa, the maximum length of stay allowed may vary according to the traveller's nationality. The reason is that diplomatic relations are guided by the principle of reciprocity: foreigners will be treated in Brazil with the same rules as Brazilians in their countries.

For this reason, foreigners who intend to stay longer as a tourist in Brazil must check the "Quadro Geral de Regime de Vistos". This document shows the permanence regime allowed for each nationality. This table is constantly updated, so look for information directly on the Brazilian government website, available in English and Portuguese in the following link, when organising your trip to Brazil.

To check, download the document and look for the number in the “VIVIS (Visit)” column. If you see “4” in this column, the foreigner can stay for 90 days with the right to renew the stay for another 90 days for a total of 180 continuous days. If you see the “4*”, you can only stay for 90 continuous days in a 180-day period.

If the country is on the list of those for which it is allowed to extend their stay in Brazil for an additional 90 days continuously, the foreigner must go to a Brazilian Federal Police station and request an extension of stay. It is essential to do it before the expiration of the initial 90 days to avoid fines for overstaying and or facing deportation.

Usually, the foreigner must present personal identification documents, a copy of the round-trip air ticket, proof of livelihood, fill in a form and pay a fee.

If you need assistance or have questions about the procedure, our team will be able to assist you in English, French or Spanish. Get in touch via WhatsApp.

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